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Part 06 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

this FORD Mustang is sexy. now to test if the nokia e72 will give it justice

nice!... really sexy. this nokia e72 isn't kidding around, i must say i really love old classic cars.

anyway, this is what all this adventure is all about, to get some peace and quiet and be alone. a panoramic shot of fort bonifacio on my nokia e72, absolute bliss.

i gathered from this exercise the following:
- it's nice to have a pet
- understanding is a skill this world is in short supply of, patience addresses this shortcoming
- time is indeed the absolute equalizer
- if one stops breathing and concentrates long enough, one either dies or feel the earth move
- one can always hope, wish or pray, or one can do all three; results will vary
- God doesn't talk much, it's as if he got tired of talking after the new testament, this makes traditional conversation with God humanly difficult
- we craft our own happiness and sincere happiness is always good

Holy Week 2010 Fort Bonifacio Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from
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Part 05 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

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Part 04 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

another deserted road ...

fear and paranoia got the better of me, so i checked google latitude and clocked inside a run-down internet cafe to double check on google maps

Holy Week 2010 Fort Bonifacio Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from
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Part 03 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

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Part 02 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

brent is packed and eager to ride shotgun on the E34 beemer

cockpit view: deserted city [buendia, makati] i wish everyday was like this, the bmw e34 is a tad bit heavily tinted for safety reasons; with the presidential elections just around the corner, it's always best to play safe and discourage crooked cops and the like from trying to harass me for whatever reason.

Holy Week 2010 Fort Bonifacio Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from
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Part 01a Fort Bonifacio: brents preparation video

so while i'm busying myself preparing, here is brent helping me out by playing around with my PC's power cable. he doesn't need to try hard to be cute, i guess most shih tzu's at four months old are like that.

anyhow, i thought it was best to take a video of him while he was making an idiot of himself, a few months from now he'll be much grown up and probably won't be as cute as he is today but hopefully i'm wrong and he'll stay just the way he is now.

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Part 01 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

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