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Part 01 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

for holy week, i decided to disconnect from the internet, load my nokia E72 with feel-good music, gas up the classic bmw E34 beemer and check the scene on what the Philippines, specifically Metro Manila has to offer during this time reflection.

i wanted to bring all the basic stuff i'd be needing for my adventure: chips and dog treats for brent and his pillow bag; death sticks and coffee for myself. thankfully the nokia E72 is like a swiss army knife so i can always grab onto something made of ones and zeroes should i feel early symptoms of binary disconnection due to digital withdrawal.

this is brent, my howe's achie's shih tzu - he can be a real pain - but i love him as much as i love kram, my other dog. will try to add more pictures of brent on a separate blog entry.

Holy Week 2010 Fort Bonifacio Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from