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Part 06 Fort Bonifacio, Pasig

this FORD Mustang is sexy. now to test if the nokia e72 will give it justice

nice!... really sexy. this nokia e72 isn't kidding around, i must say i really love old classic cars.

anyway, this is what all this adventure is all about, to get some peace and quiet and be alone. a panoramic shot of fort bonifacio on my nokia e72, absolute bliss.

i gathered from this exercise the following:
- it's nice to have a pet
- understanding is a skill this world is in short supply of, patience addresses this shortcoming
- time is indeed the absolute equalizer
- if one stops breathing and concentrates long enough, one either dies or feel the earth move
- one can always hope, wish or pray, or one can do all three; results will vary
- God doesn't talk much, it's as if he got tired of talking after the new testament, this makes traditional conversation with God humanly difficult
- we craft our own happiness and sincere happiness is always good

Holy Week 2010 Fort Bonifacio Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from