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Gonzalez Hall UP Diliman Main Library Part 04

so what was a bloke to do? persist. i drove towards GONZALEZ HALL - the University of the Philippines main library in the hopes that some enterprising vendor has some secret stash he'll be willing to part with given the right motivation, but alas, same story.

while contemplating my options, i took this picture of GONZALEZ HALL aka the UP Diliman Main Library. the original oblation (pahinungod) by tolentino is stashed inside this building. i'm not so sure if students even bother coming here anymore, one can tell from how the building is maintained that it has seen better days both figuratively and literally.

lol. reminds me of UPCAT.

while loitering about Gonzalez Hall i noticed cigarette butts. here's my way of thinking, if i keep myself on the lookout, i'll hopefully find a trashcan or a heap of trash with cigarette butts and used-up packs of cigarette with some sort of label or receipt where it was bought! it's a long shot but right now it's the only idea i have since i've already asked around and i keep getting the same blank stare as if i'm some sort of crazy person.

University of the Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from