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Beach House UP School of Economics Part 05

my amplified powers of observation due to desperation has inadvertently lead me to the sunken garden. no luck yet. here's a picture of the University of the Philippines Diliman Campus Sunken Garden, this one is taken near college of law, where they mass produce future santiagos, enriles and marcoses; how's that for UP pride? as my grandfather once told me, "behind every epic Philippine catastrophe is a UP Law Alumni turned politician".

here are a few more pictures of the UP Diliman Main Library; took this from the "beach house" side; sadly though, the barbecue place no longer exists. for those that didn't know or for those who choose to forget, this is the place where dennis venturina was allegedly murdered in broad daylight by the suspected Scintilla Juris fraternity. many blogs and even wikipedia records the event as a riot or gang war, but there was no riot, there wasn't even an actual fight; men in ski-masks carrying metal pipes stormed down the path towards dennis and ended his life. this was in December 1994. i know it isn't much, but this section is for dennis, so that people will not forget what happened on this very spot.

the Univesity of the Philipines Diliman Campus School of Economics. a close friend once told me that if economics was an exact science the Philippines wouldn't be in this mess it is right now. he's a proud product of this establishment. gloria macapagal-arroyo took her Ph.D. here, and look what great things she was able to accomplish! another quality product of UP Diliman, GO U.P.!

University of the Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from