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Part 08 UP Palma Hall, Parking Lot

at this point, i decided to get the E34 Beemer and drive myself to the University of the Philippines Shopping Center or UP Diliman SC, it's around 9am now, so the stores, specifically UP Diliman Coop, should be open for business.

along the way, on my Nokia E72, i managed to take pictures of Palma Hall formally know as UP Dilimans' College of Arts and Letters.

and i just couldn't help myself so i snapped a quick picture of this VW Beetle as well. taking pictures of cars and admiring the design and engineering which brought them to fruition gives such a warm and inspiring feeling. taking all these pictures can be tiring, i'm worrying how i can enhance some of the bad takes before posting it. now is probably a good time to call it a wrap until i find more free time to take more photos of other note-worthy places around the UP Diliman campus.

University of the Philippines BMW E34 Road Trip from