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Shoe Mart Trade Show, Manila Part 01

heading out to moa (mall of asia) isn't something i look forward to; the flow of traffic from makati to taft avenue on a saturday isn't really popular for lead footed driving not to mention flooring an m60 engine. i'm not so crazy about using the fort bonifacio route as well given that they've imposed a 40KM top speed which is another money making instrument devised by ever-so-untrustworthy-always-scheming-and-super-unreliable "uber-hypocrites"; i swear i saw a worm metamorphose into a butterfly while driving there once. Anyway, a friend later told me that i should have taken the route through buendia, so note-to-self: when going to moa take buendia.

on with the narrative. i needed to go to moa, specifically to SMX, to help out and see to it that the 3D bar-coding system is set up properly; megamobile manages all mobile-to-internet related functions and subsystems that interfaces the consumer, in this case the player, to all of egames' titles. that sounds big on paper but what we really do is give gamers alternative ways of accessing game related services such as account validation and messaging; most of the real work is done by the passionate crew of egames itself.

arriving at around 5pm i proceeded to taking a panoramic shot of SMX; standing on this very spot, surrounded by the the moa complex and a cathedral on the left near the notorious and questionably expensive macapagal boulevard; i can't imagine this was all one big body of sea water a decade ago.

here's another shot. both were taken using a nokia E72. i just wanted to take note here that somehow, maybe due to the lack of ambient light the software on the E72 is having some trouble distinguishing the edges where it should make the blend and thus fail to make a seamless soft-merge. maybe they can improve this on their next version of either the software or the phone series

SM Expo and Trade Show: E-Games Domination BMW E34 Road Trip from