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Final Destination: Colette's Tagaytay

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Taal Volcano; view from Tagaytay

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Kaye and Ryan Grill at Tagaytay

Kaye and Ryan Grill; the designated meet-up place in Tagaytay, before proceeding to the house we made reservations for, for the weekend. if you ever find yourself in the area, don't forget to try out their "kapeng barako" a warm filipino coffee drink.

the place had a nice enough parking area; what makes this place special is because it has one of the best views of Taal Volcano. as always i brought along my trusted side-kick brent to keep me company; i promised him "bulalo" once we reached Kaye and Ryan Grill.

Tagaytay Road Trip 2010 BMW E34 Road Trip from
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Tagaytay Run: The Funk and the Curious

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Video BMW Logo; History and Testament to Excellence

the BMW emblem represents the colors of Bavaria and is an adpatation of the original RAPP trademark when BMW acquired all assets of RAPP MOTORENWERKE the engine manufacturing company. Here is a "Line-Art" render of the BMW LOGO STYLE GUIDE.

here's the original RAPP Logo; a dark horse or a Knights Chess Piece Bust, represents horse power which is the accepted European unit of power for rating engine frequency and rate of piston generated energy throughput. in the time of war, this very profound symbol represented gallantry, masculine power and of course speed and agility.

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Video BMW Joy 3D Projection Suntec Singapore

BMW Joy 3D Video - BMW Interactive 3D Projection Installation at Suntec Singapore

Ultimate Driving Machine" has been the battle-cry of BMW for several years now; now it's "joy,joy,joy" similar to Mazdas "zoom, zoom". however, in my humble opinion, It's gonna take more than a fancy 3D projection gimmick to get the ball rolling on the right direction and coerce the hardcore bimmer gear heads to embrace the new mantra; besides, it's not really 3D, but rather a creatively implemented 2D Video Composite with deep volumetric shadows and carefully placed digitally rendered lighting effects to bring out a 3D feel, of which, to the creators and artists credit wasn't easy - in fact it was rather clever and brilliant.

watch this video. a 3d projection mapping implementation on two Suntec Singapore buildings; the effect is admittedly amazing, however the new slogan which is "joy," just doesn't have the same ring to it compared to the old one; it's as if BMW has given up without putting up a fight for the top spot like it used to.

Video Credits to

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Part "M" BMW Classic M-Series Cebu Festival 2010

i want to cry. these Bimmer/Beemer heads really took care of their toys and i have nothing but the utmost respect for these guys.

i might as well go on back down,
go back 'cross yonder over the hill.
i might as well go back over yonder
way back yonder 'cross the hill, (That's where I come from)
'Cos if my baby don't love me no more.
I know her sister will!

BMW Festival, Cebu, Philippines, 2010
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"Zunkuft" Part BMW Cebu Festival 2010

the equalizer. this is the M3 that i want. no i-drive. no sunroof. none of those modern day parts and devices designed to provide creature comforts. strap on, chill out, and drive into the sunset! check out the part where the dashboard meets the hood as if to serve an offering of a nuclear-torched sky; this car is literally a killer and is involved in more speed related accidents than all of the other series combined!

LoL a "Eurasian Car" now please don't get me wrong, i have nothing against Japanese cars; it's just that car manufacturers loose much of its design identity when trying to break through the so-called asian market and BMW is no exception. in fact, in the case of BMW they didn't just change part of their look and service levels, they had to change their battle cry as well from "Ultimate Driving Machine" to "Joy, joy, joy".

BMW Festival, Cebu, Philippines, 2010
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Part "Z" BMW "Zunkuft" Cebu Festival 2010

Z for BMW stands for Zunkuft which means "future". i'm part biased to red myself, though  i find the other colors equally fascinating. i'm not sure if the service records on these babies are clean but at the moment, no one really cares LoL.

as mr. hoton elican mentioned, these girls do have personality and luckily his photos were able to serve theses BMW's justice. i don't really remember how he phrased it, but it had something to do with looking at the profile of these cars from affront.

as for me, i prefer the Entwicklung or E-series which stands for "evolution"; they just feel safer and far more subtle.

looks like a fast car for harvesting even faster women. however, many car reviews indicate that when it comes to the speed and handling service department, this series under-delivers. still, i wouldn't mind having one of these babies even if it weren't for the looks alone.

BMW Festival, Cebu, Philippines, 2010
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