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Part "Z" BMW "Zunkuft" Cebu Festival 2010

Z for BMW stands for Zunkuft which means "future". i'm part biased to red myself, though  i find the other colors equally fascinating. i'm not sure if the service records on these babies are clean but at the moment, no one really cares LoL.

as mr. hoton elican mentioned, these girls do have personality and luckily his photos were able to serve theses BMW's justice. i don't really remember how he phrased it, but it had something to do with looking at the profile of these cars from affront.

as for me, i prefer the Entwicklung or E-series which stands for "evolution"; they just feel safer and far more subtle.

looks like a fast car for harvesting even faster women. however, many car reviews indicate that when it comes to the speed and handling service department, this series under-delivers. still, i wouldn't mind having one of these babies even if it weren't for the looks alone.

BMW Festival, Cebu, Philippines, 2010